What is High-Impact Tutoring?

Tutoring is a form of teaching, one-on-one or in a small group, towards a specific goal. High-impact tutoring leads to substantial learning gains for students by supplementing (but not replacing) students’ classroom experiences.[1] High-impact tutoring responds to individual needs and complements students’ existing curriculum.

We recognize high-impact tutoring programs as those that either have directly demonstrated significant gains in student learning through state-of-the-art research studies or have characteristics that have proven to accelerate student learning. These characteristics of high-impact tutoring programs currently include: substantial time each week of required tutoring, sustained and strong relationships between students and their tutors, close monitoring of student knowledge and skills, alignment with school curriculum, and oversight of tutors to assure quality interactions.

Research Agenda for High-Impact Tutoring.

Click here to view a presentation that outlines the case for high-impact tutoring and its definition.

[1] Other “personalized learning” options exist and may promote student learning by replacing traditional class periods, but we do not include them under our umbrella definition of tutoring. For example, at this point in time we are not focusing on initiatives such as: pull-out services (e.g., when students receive personalized help instead of attending a class), in-class small group instruction by a 2nd teacher (e.g.,co-teaching), or learning pods.