Allocates $10M in American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funding to local education agencies (LEAs) to implement the Connecticut High-Dosage Tutoring (HDT) Program in Grades 6-9, Mathematics in accordance with evidence-based guidelines.
The Connecticut HDT Program will provide successful applicants with grant funding for the 2023-2024 school year,
a short list of trained, qualified tutor providers that have been vetted and approved by the Connecticut State Department of Education and ongoing technical assistance, coaching, and participation in a Community of Practice provided by an external organization.
Sixteen organizations are approved for districts to contract with through a competitive grant program to pay for high-intensity math tutoring. School districts that are chosen for the program will receive $2,500 per student per year to contract with one of the organizations, which offer in-person or virtual tutoring.
Connecticut High-Dosage Tutoring Program
Launching in 2023 - 2024 school year
Date of Status