Provides $52,000,000 in funding to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to offer high-impact tutoring interventions for students disproportionately affected by the pandemic. This program begins on October 11, 2023, and closes on August 31, 2024. It is open to all operating New Jersey public school districts serving students in grades three (3) and/or grade 4 (four). Eligible LEAs may apply for up to $768,000 in grant funds based on a tiered student enrollment system correlated with maximum funding levels. This opportunity prioritizes offering High-Impact Tutoring to students in grades three (3) and four (4) but will allow LEAs awarded the grant to serve additional students as needed. LEAs may deliver tutoring services by contracting with an NJDOE-preapproved vendor (described below) or by compensating LEA staff for their tutoring services.
New Jersey Acceleration Program: High-Impact Tutoring NGO
New Jersey
Does the tutoring effort have associated state legislation?
Grant program underway
Date of Status