Addressing Student Needs with Research-Proven Tutoring Models

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)

Millions of students, including those with disabilities, have experienced interrupted instruction due to school closures and shifts between remote and hybrid learning models. This webisode discussed the role that evidence-based tutoring programs can play within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to address a range of student needs and accelerate learning for all students and with an emphasis on students with disabilities. Jen Krajewski from ProvenTutoring and Dr. Amanda Neitzel from Johns Hopkins University shared an overview of research-proven tutoring interventions and how they can populate Tiers 1, 2, and 3 in a MTSS. Panelists will include Dr. Anne Sinclair, Chief Learning Officer of Reading and Math, Inc., who shared data and stories from the ground around the implementation of evidence-based tutoring programs and their impact on student outcomes.

Addressing Student Needs with Research-Proven Tutoring Models

Click here to watch the webisode.