Boosting student achievement with high-dosage tutoring: An interview with Carly Robinson and Matthew Kraft

Gov Innovator podcast

A new policy brief examines the research evidence behind tutoring and what design principles for tutoring have shown to be important for boosting student achievement. The report is titled Accelerating Student Learning with High-Dosage Tutoring. It’s coauthored by Dr. Carly Robinson, Dr. Matthew Kraft and Dr. Susanna Loeb of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, as well as Dr. Beth Schueler of the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia.

To learn more, we’re joined by two of the brief’s authors. Carly Robinson (@Carly__Robinson) is a postdoctoral research associate at Brown University and Matthew Kraft (@MatthewAKraft) is a professor of education and economics at Brown. Both are former public-school teachers.

Learn more: The brief is part of a series called EDResearch for Recovery produced by Brown, UVA and Results for America that’s designed to provide K-12 education decision makers and advocates with credible evidence help students respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Related initiative: The newly launched National Student Support Accelerator provides comprehensive resources for those interested in implementing high-impact tutoring.
