FEV Tutor Releases White Paper Highlighting Ways K-12 Districts Can Implement High-Impact Online Tutoring During the School Day and in Afterschool Programs


The Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University reports that supplementing classroom instruction with high-impact tutoring “leads to substantial learning gains for students.” However, a variety of factors can influence the way educational institutions need to implement tutoring programs. To illustrate how schools or districts can customize a tutoring program to meet their specific needs, FEV Tutor has published a white paper titled “High-Impact Online Tutoring for Academic Success: An Afterschool Implementation.”

The white paper details the implementation model that Manchester School District (MSD) in New Hampshire used for FEV Tutor. The district trialed FEV Tutor’s high-impact online 1:1 tutoring during the Spring of 2022 and expanded its implementations for the 2022-23 school year.

MSD first used FEV Tutor in a four-week summer camp and now uses online tutoring sessions to support students’ math and reading comprehension skills in the district’s afterschool 21st Century Program. In addition, many schools have students participate in tutoring sessions during the school day. “We also found that people wanted to use FEV Tutor for SAT preparation and enrichment, and not just learning loss,” said MSD Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning, and Leading Amy Allen. However, the district is currently prioritizing students with gaps in foundational skills.


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