Illinois Tutoring Initiative to Scale Statewide in Partnership with Pearl, Tutoring Platform

Yahoo News

Pearl, the research-backed tutor intelligence platform, today announced that it will continue as the partner for a large new expansion of the Illinois Tutoring Initiative (ITI). The pioneering statewide program delivers sustainable, quality high-impact tutoring from the state's future teachers to students in districts adversely impacted by Covid learning disruptions and losses.

With  leadership from Illinois State University (ISU), in partnership with Pearl's tutor management resources and data capabilities, and with funding from the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (APR ESSER), the statewide tutoring initiative has already provided students and future teachers across seven higher education institutions with crucial clinical teaching experience while helping to meet the learning needs of students.


Pearl's data, research and analysis partners include the Annenberg Institute at Brown University  with a mission to equalize and improve educational opportunities through actionable knowledge, human development and broad engagement and its National Student Support Accelerator (NSSA). Both organizations consulted with ISU and ITI in the planning and development, and establishing success metrics for the statewide tutoring program.

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