Schools sink money into tutoring, but some programs fall short

The Washington Post


What actually works, they say, is something else: more structured, data-driven “high-impact” tutoring, a method backed by years of research. It is typically delivered several times a week, over an extended period of time, using the same well-trained tutor to drill down on missed learning while staying aligned with classroom instruction. School districts identify students who need it, ideally incorporating it into their regular school day. The cost and level of difficulty are both higher, but the payoff is worth it, education experts say.

“They both have the word ‘tutoring’ in them, so it seems like the same thing but it’s really not,” said Susanna Loeb, an education professor at Stanford University who has been deeply involved in research on the subject and worked with school systems nationally. Loeb said there may be benefits to opt-in tutoring for students who use it, but it is not a proven way to reach the mass of students struggling the most.


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