Tutored by Teachers Awarded Tutoring Program Design Badge from National Student Support Accelerator


Tutored by Teachers ("TbT"), a leading provider of personalized virtual instruction, has been awarded the prestigious Tutoring Program Design Badge from the National Student Support Accelerator ("NSSA"). This recognition highlights TbT's commitment to maintaining rigorous standards in tutor selection, program efficacy, and school partnerships. It also supports the company's ongoing expansion as TbT introduces new instructional supports designed to meet the evolving needs of diverse student populations.

Tutored by Teachers' approach stands out for its selection of certified, experienced teachers who receive program-specific training to meet the unique needs of each school. The company also maintains the highest tutor consistency in the industry, believing that the relationship between tutor and student is critical to academic growth. Additionally, TbT is deeply embedded with school partners, working closely with them to select curricular focuses and gathering feedback from parents and students.

"We've built our model on a foundation of research-backed best practices, always with a focus on quality and student outcomes," said Rahul Kalita, co-founder of TbT. "This badge signals that our work is making a difference, and we're committed to providing the most effective tutoring solutions in education."

The NSSA's Tutoring Quality Improvement System ("TQIS") assesses tutoring programs based on their alignment with research-based standards. The Tutoring Program Design Badge recognizes programs that meet these rigorous standards, offering states and districts a signal of program quality. While the badge does not measure program implementation at individual sites, it confirms that the design of TbT's programs adheres to best practices aimed at driving student success.


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