- To support scheduling
- Sharing tutoring session content
- Sharing academic progress
- Sharing social or emotional progress
- Family/Caregiver survey
Bay Area Tutoring Association
Our core pillars are tutor training, educational programs and services, parent and student awareness. We strongly believe a trained, properly equipped and confident tutor can be a critical component to the life success of anyone, especially a child in need of academic support. We also believe parent and student awareness increase opportunity and equity for all. Every employee, contractor and volunteer affiliated with the Bay Area Tutoring Association is required to perform with integrity and adhere to ethical standards beyond reproach.
For the past 10 years Bay Area Tutoring Association has been providing school day, after school, weekend and evening tutoring programs - both online and on premise. Our on premise programs occur during the school day in-class and after school in conjunction with youth development programs (YMCA, Boys & Girls Club etc,.). Core subjects are English, digital literacy, numeracy, reading comprehension and math. 1:7 tutor to student ratio. Depending on grade level, tutor to student ratio, our session lengths vary from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. We use school-approved curriculum, and also offer, Pearson, Edmentum and Leveled Literacy separately as needed. Our online tutoring programs are also offered during the day. We prefer to offer small group online programs in the evenings (after 6pm) so parents may observe and ask questions.