To support scheduling, Sharing tutoring session content , Reporting attendance, Sharing academic progress, Sharing social or emotional progress, Accessing student information, Sharing at-home support suggestions, Family/Caregiver survey, Goal setting and monitoring progress toward goals.
Catch Up & Read
Since 2009, Catch Up & Read has been on a mission to equip children in underserved communities to read on grade level by 3rd grade so they can graduate from high school and break the generational cycle of poverty.
Catch Up & Read (CAR) focuses on equipping certified teachers with evidence-based literacy practices that give children from underserved communities the reading foundations they need to succeed in school and life. CAR addresses the reading gap in at-risk elementary students using two key strategies: 1) Training teachers for improved classroom instruction, ensuring all students access high-quality education and 2) Providing after-school tutoring led by CAR-Trained teachers to reinforce classroom learning. Teacher-led tutoring takes place for two hours after school and includes four key components: movement (exercise), SEL, interactive read aloud, and a targeted intervention group.