Children's Learning Institute

Mission: Mission:

The AERO Reading Program is a comprehensive school-based literacy solution that integrates student assessment data, individualized learning plans, research-backed curricula, and focused small group lessons. The goal of the AERO program is to ensure every child receives the support needed to reach their academic potential.

Program Description: Program Description:

The AERO program consists of online assessments and progress monitoring tools and over 200 lessons across three levels. The AERO program uses online assessments to create and implement individualized instructional plans that are delivered in small groups of students (two to three students at a time). The AERO program includes curriculum-based measures that help AERO Instructors know which skills to focus on during the sessions and monitor students' mastery of taught concepts to make instructional adjustments. AERO's curriculum and assessment resources are housed on the Children Learning Institute's (CLI) online platform, CLI Engage, which allows the majority of the award gift to be allocated to instructional support for students and professional development for AERO implementation.


Type of service
Tutoring Program
Year Started
Headquarter Location (City, State)
Houston, TX
States of Operation
Operation Locations
Houston, Victoria
Most recent number of students served
Subject Offered
Early Literacy,
Grade Levels
1st Grade,
2nd Grade
Languages Offered
During School,
Out of School
Delivery Mode
Tutor-Student Ratio
1:1 or 1:3
Number of Sessions Per Week
Number of Minutes Per Session
Number of Weeks Per Program
Does your program engage with parents?
Family Engagement Description

Currently developing a family engagement component to supplement the AERO program.

Organization Type
Customer Type
District, Parent, School, Student
Type of Tutor
Paraprofessional, Teacher, Tutoring Staff
Randomized controlled trial (RCT) study conducted?
RCT Citation

Denton, C. A., Fletcher, J. M., Taylor, W. P., Barth, A. E., & Vaughn, S. (2014). An experimental evaluation of guided reading and explicit interventions for primary-grade students at-risk for reading difficulties. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 7(3), 268-293.
Denton, C. A., Nimon, K., Mathes, P. G., Swanson, E. A., Kethley, C., Kurz, T. B., & Shih, M. (2010). Effectiveness of a supplemental early reading intervention scaled up in multiple schools. Exceptional Children, 76(4), 394-416.
Solari, E. J., Denton, C. A., & Haring, C. (2017). How to reach first-grade struggling readers: An integrated instructional approach. Teaching Exceptional Children, 49(3), 149-159.

RCT effect size
.33 to .91
Quasi-experimental (QED) study conducted?
Contact Email
Contact Name
Victoria Moss