Sharing tutoring session content, Reporting attendance, Sharing academic progress, and Sharing at-home support suggestions.
Future of Reading
Years of research have shown how low reading proficiency skills measured at the 4th grade stay with that student for life, and affect the student's academic success in other subjects. Students who cannot comprehend written problems do not perform well in math. Reading to learn has limited benefits. We teach a program aligned with the principles in the Science of Reading to focus on the K-3 grade reading skills giving each student the right level of content, pace and human feedback (via a tutor/mentor) to read proficiently by the 4th grade.
We provide a tutoring program for grades K-3, using recorded reading lessons that engage the learner in the workbook following the directions of the teacher to follow the presentation. There are 350+ video lessons organized in an LMS (Learning Management System). An onsite reading coach or tutor/mentor then reviews the workbook for completion and checks the student's understanding confidence in reading the exercises in the lesson. The program facilitates the student moving at their own pace, lessons are available 24-7, tutoring sessions are designed to review several completed lessons with the student.
We work with schools and educational organizations to provide tutoring content in an after school environment and in summer reading programs. We have training for tutor/mentors and can be in person to help launch a reading program.