Just Right Reader, Inc.
Our decodables meet the educational needs of readers at Pre-K through Third Grade level and emerging readers up to the Fifth Grade. Just Right Reader decodables touch upon all the foundation skills that are so crucial to early literacy, including alphabetic knowledge, phonological awareness, rapid automatic naming, phonological memory, and oral language. Our phonics progression provides a continuum so that students are placed appropriately within their reading range. No matter the child’s circumstances, they will be given decodables aligned with their current reading level. We’ve included a detailed product overview that explains the clear, sequential scope and sequence of the decodables and knowledge-building content, which is colorful, engaging, and culturally relevant. The defining elements of our decodables are incorporating joy and cultural responsiveness into the curriculum. Joy is delivered by providing students with decodables that meet their exact reading level. Students are successful and feel a sense of accomplishment and joy. Second, our culturally responsive decodables reach kids across America from all cultural backgrounds and depict all cultures in story settings that are relatable and relevant to all students.
Just Right Reader decodables encompass all the crucial elements of decoding that make up the skills needed to read successfully with fluency and comprehension. These elements include print concepts, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, alphabet knowledge, and sound-spelling knowledge.