Offer one-on-one and/or small group tutoring directly to students, either in-person, virtually, or through both modes of delivery.
Jeffrey Thornton (
Keweenaw Learning Center enables middle-schoolers and high-schoolers to reach for their academic dreams through tailored academic tutoring and coaching programs. We provide high-dose, low-ratio classes for students needing extra help in reading, writing, and math following the guided discovery model of learning to promote self-actualization among pupils.
1-to-1 Tutoring: We tailor our lessons to the educational needs of the unique students we teach. We teach academic subjects, practical skills, and self-confidence to ensure each child who studies with us will learn as much as possible. Tutorials are geared to students’ current academic abilities and encourage growth towards the academic standards expected of top universities around the world.
Offer one-on-one and/or small group tutoring directly to students, either in-person, virtually, or through both modes of delivery.
Jeffrey Thornton (