Reading Assist
Reading Assist provides intensive services for young, at-risk children with the most significant reading challenges so that they achieve reading progress and proficiency.
Reading Assist is a nonprofit organization that provides year-round high-dosage tutoring services to children across Delaware and Pennsylvania with the most significant reading challenges, prioritizing support to low-income students, students of color, and English Language Learners. Since its inception, Reading Assist has helped thousands of readers acquire critical reading skills, changing the trajectory of these learners' lives. To empower students to reach reading proficiency, Reading Assist recruits and trains tutors in its accredited intervention program, equipping them with the skills needed to enhance student literacy in Delaware's and Pennsylvania’s most underserved schools.
Reading Assist tutors work with students performing in the lowest 25% of their peers in reading. School-year tutors consistently bring over 80% of their students to benchmark in early measures of reading ability, such as first sound fluency.