To support scheduling; Sharing tutoring session content; Reporting attendance; Sharing academic progress; Sharing social or emotional progress; Accessing student information; Sharing at-home support suggestions; Family/Caregiver survey; Goal setting and monitoring progress toward goals
Tutor Partners, LLC
Our mission is to partner with parents, teachers, schools, and non-profit organizations to support the academic and social-emotional needs of students and families. We believe that both are equally important and success in one depends on the other. Through tutoring, academic coaching and parent programs, we aspire to empower parents and students with the mindset, knowledge, and skills necessary to overcome academic and life challenges. Our goal is to collaborate with all those involved in helping students achieve the highest possible outcomes both in and out of the classroom since learners will never reach their true potential unless they’re able to balance the two.
Tutor Partners provides high-impact tutoring in math and literacy for students in grades Pre-K through 12. We partner with districts, schools, families and nonprofits to support students with learning gaps, special needs and learning differences, as well as English language learners.