Tutored by Teachers
Tutored by Teachers (TbT) is a public benefit company dedicated to closing academic opportunity gaps in education. We provide intensive virtual Math and English Language Arts (ELA) high-impact tutoring programs delivered by U.S.-based, credentialed classroom teachers. While we have experience building programs for students in grades K-12, our speciality is upper elementary.
Frequency: TbT tutoring programs will meet for 2-4 60-minute sessions per week.
Group Size: Consistent, leveled small groups are limited to 5 students with similar academic needs.
Personnel: Small groups are led by the same Teacher Tutor for the duration of the program, allowing for relationship building and responsive instruction. All Teacher Tutors are credentialed or experienced, professional educators with extensive classroom teaching experience, related degrees, and training in culturally responsive instruction.
Measurement: Programs are anchored around formative assessments to identify key skills and monitor progress.
Curriculum: The tutoring program is aligned to school programming and needs, allowing for rigor, continuity, and alignment to state standards.
TbT designs programs consultatively by meeting with school and district staff to determine student counts, grade levels, subject areas to serve, and scheduling. TbT then spends time before the tutoring program launches to determine leveled student groupings and focus skills / standards based on student data, align content to school needs, and select and train Teacher Tutors with professional backgrounds that match the students they will serve. TbT designs the tutoring scope and sequence, plans lessons, and selects instructional materials based on unique student groups (grade level, focus skills, interests).
TbT implements skills-based tutoring aligned to applicable state standards. To ensure that all instruction is aligned to state standards and customized to school needs, TbT reviews the school’s curriculum and school-provided student academic data. TbT can also customize programming to specifically tie tutoring sessions to a school’s curriculum and the corresponding scope and sequence.