To support scheduling, Sharing tutoring session content , Reporting attendance, Sharing academic progress
Chrissy Sibley (
VIPTeacher envisions a global classroom that empowers students and teachers through personalized learning, connects cultures across the world, and ignites a passion for lifelong learning.
VIPTeacher provides K-12 online education for a community of around 75,000 experienced tutors, predominantly in the U.S. and Canada. VIPTeacher has also built a feature-rich tutor platform and a dynamic class creation and scheduling solution. Using the Admin Portal, LEAs can create a program, indicating timing, frequency, number of students, grade levels, etc. Through the platform’s portal, tutors can indicate availability, view class schedules, and receive class reminders.
To support scheduling, Sharing tutoring session content , Reporting attendance, Sharing academic progress
Chrissy Sibley (