Amanda is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the National Student Support Accelerator. She uses qualitative and mixed methods to examine the political complexities of highly-privatized urban school districts with specific attention to how communities organize in response to privatization and decentralization and how sociopolitical fabrics of urban communities are altered by school choice policies.
Amanda holds a PhD in Education Policy and the Sociology of Education from Stanford University. Her dissertation drew from fourteen months of ethnographic field work of public meetings in New Orleans related to education governance to understand how local stakeholders have reorganized in response to the implementation of the Post-Katrina all-charter system. She is a recipient of the NaEd/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, the Stanford Graduate Fellowship, and Institute of Education Sciences Training Grant. Her work has been published in Educational Policy, Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, and Theory Research in Education. Before graduate studies, Amanda was a math teacher and college counselor at Edna Karr High School.