
Addressing unfinished learning with targeted help and high-dosage tutoring

The new National Student Support Accelerator, housed at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, launched to accelerate the growth of high-impact tutoring opportunities for K–12 students in need. The accelerator coordinates and synthesizes tutoring research and uses that research to develop publicly available tools and technical assistance to support districts and schools to develop high-impact tutoring programs for students.


Measures & Data Collection

Implementation Checklist

  • Define measures of success in alignment with your logic model, including non-academic measures of impact.
  • Develop tools to collect data on the identified measures, including both quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Set benchmarks to monitor progress towards outcomes.
  • Put systems in place for collecting data that can be disaggregated by race, gender, IEP statues, home language, and other important factors to ensure equity of se

Data Use

Critical Question

  • What data will the program collect to measure impact?
  • How will these data reflect a holistic understanding of students’ experiences?
  • What processes will be in place to review and act upon collected data?
  • How will these review processes promote equity and reduce bias?

Sub Elements

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