Research Studies

Implementation of the OSSE High Impact Tutoring Initiative - School Year 2023 – 2024 Second Year Report

The second full school year (2023-24) of the OSSE High Impact Tutoring Initiative expanded the reach of an already ambitious program. The Initiative served 7,274 students, approximately 8% of students in DC schools and 12% of students classified at-risk. The Initiative was able to increase participation by 2,000 students from its first year of implementation while also increasing the successful targeting of at-risk students who stand to benefit most from the program. The Initiative also increased the average dosage level to 33.86 sessions. Collectively, this is a significant improvement in program scale and program delivery, ensuring that increases in tutoring continue to serve students who are most in need of potential benefits.  

Individualized tutoring can combat chronic absenteeism

A high impact tutoring initiative in Washington, D.C., showed promise for middle schoolers and those with extreme absenteeism, a new report finds.

Dive Brief:

  • One-to-one tutoring can lower absenteeism rates by fostering student-teacher relationships and a sense of belonging, making students more willing to go to school, a recent report from the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University found.
  • The study looked at the High-Impact Tutoring Initiative launched in 2021 to provide math and reading tutoring across 141 Washington, D.C., public K-12 schools — with the greatest focus on serving at-risk students.
  • The positive effects were particularly strong for middle school students and students with extreme absenteeism rates in the prior year, who were 13.7% and 7% less likely, respectively, to be absent when tutoring sessions were scheduled, the study found.

Tutoring Giant’s Sudden Demise Linked to End of Federal Relief Funds

FEV Tutor further evolved last year when it announced a new AI-enhanced platform, Tutor CoPilot. The tool makes tutors more effective by giving them guiding questions to ask students. In a randomized trial, the National Student Support Accelerator at Stanford University, which studies tutoring models, found that when less-experienced tutors used the AI support, student math scores increased an average of 9 percentage points. 


Stanford initiative helps scale what works in education

Over the past couple of years, scaling well-researched solutions has been shown to also counter the negative effects of the pandemic, Loeb said, from widening achievement gaps and missed school time, to poorer social and emotional development. Her team recently launched the National Student Support Accelerator (NSSA) to address educational inequities resulting from the pandemic. NSSA conducts research on the most promising tutoring practices and works with district leaders and others to provide research-backed guidance on implementing high-impact tutoring. 

“Our students deserve this work,” Loeb said. “From our research, we learn so much about how to engage students and accelerate their learning. The practical, easy-to-use learnings from research need to reach decision makers so that our students can benefit.”

Tips by Text and NSSA are part of SCALE, Loeb’s new initiative at the Stanford Accelerator for Learning, a university-wide effort addressing some of the most challenging issues in education through research, partnerships, and technological innovation. 


2023-2024 Wittenberg University High-Impact Tutoring Program Implementation Report

In recent years, school districts across the U.S. have invested in high-impact tutoring as a promising approach to accelerate K12 student learning. Such efforts to scale tutoring have focused on design elements proven to be the most effective on student outcomes, namely consistent instruction from a trained tutor, integration with classroom instruction, tutoring informed by data, using quality curricula, and occurring at least three times per week (Nickow et al., 2024). Studies indicate that effective tutoring programs share these core characteristics, even while they vary in the types of tutors they employ, scheduling strategy, and in-person or virtual delivery model (Cortes et al., 2024; Robinson et al., 2024).

Tutoring may not significantly improve attendance

In early 2024, initial reports indicated that tutoring might not only help kids catch up academically after the pandemic but could also combat chronic absenteeism. More recent research, however, suggests that prediction may have been overly optimistic.

Stanford University researchers have been studying Washington, D.C.’s $33 million investment in tutoring, which provided extra help to more than 5,000 of the district’s 100,000 students in 2022-23, the second year of a three-year tutoring initiative. When researchers looked at these students’ test scores, they found minimal to modest improvements in reading or math.

“We weren’t seeing a ton of big impacts on achievement,” said Monica Lee, one of the Stanford researchers. “But what we were seeing at that point in time were promising findings that the tutoring might be doing something for attendance.” 


How effective is tutoring in the United States? – 4 essential reads

Susanna Loeb, executive director of the National Student Support Accelerator, explained that the growth in spending on private tutoring is largely driven by wealthy families. This has contributed to wider educational gaps between students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

Loeb wrote that high-impact in-class tutoring is the most accessible and effective option. She added that it works best when it’s embedded in schools during the day, where a consistent tutoring session takes place for at least 30 minutes at a time and at a minimum of three days a week.

“The most effective way for parents to get free tutoring for their children is through their school,” Loeb wrote. “Students who attend tutoring as part of their regular school education either during or immediately before or after school are shown to have higher attendance rates, which leads to better outcomes, such as stronger math and reading achievement.”


Effects of High-Impact Tutoring on Student Attendance: Evidence from the OSSE HIT Initiative in the District of Columbia

Student absenteeism, which skyrocketed during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, has negative consequences for student engagement and achievement. This study examines the impact of the High-Impact Tutoring (HIT) Initiative, implemented by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education in Washington DC, on reducing absenteeism. The HIT initiative was designed to mitigate learning loss by providing additional academic supports with a focus on students affected by the pandemic’s disruptions.

Tutors Don’t Get Much Training. A New Effort Could Help

“It’s much more than just the dosage that makes the difference in this type of tutoring,” said Kathy Bendheim, the director of strategic advising for the National Student Support Accelerator, which studies tutoring models. “You do it with a consistent tutor, and it’s not homework help—it’s intentional instruction based on data about where that student is on their academic journey and what their specific instructional needs are.”
