Tutoring Programs |
OpenLiteracy Reading is anchored in the Science of Reading and its high impact tutoring follows a sequence of lessons that begins with letter sounds, beginning blending, and phonological awareness and moving through advanced phonics. Students who complete levels 9 in the OpenLiteracy Reading sequence successfully will read at an end of second grade level. Explore the Tutoring Database for more information on OpenLiteracy. |
Program Focus | Early Literacy |
Tutor | Consistent college student enrolled in selective higher education institution and chosen from competitive process, provided with initial training and ongoing support; 50% of tutors identify as people of color and over 25% are first generation college students |
Instruction | Virtual, small group, 30 minutes/3 times per week, strong phonics-based materials developed by OpenLiteracy Reading |
Learning Integration | Out-of-school model is aimed as a resource for families teaching their young children to read; during school model partners with districts to embed tutoring within the school day |
Data Use | Children take a short video-based assessment to determine the correct level to begin their tutoring, or schools can use data from their reading screeners to make recommendations. Each week of lesson has an instruction arc that ends with an observable formative assessment. Students are more formally assessed at the end of each level through a 15-minute assessment, given by their tutor over video conference. |