
Senate Bill 245

Creates the Oklahoma High Dosage Tutoring Program to be operated by the State Department of Education. Also establishes the High Dosage Tutoring Revolving Fund, a continuing fund to consist of all monies received by the State Department of Education from gifts, grants, donations, bequests, federal funds provided for the purpose of funding high dosage tutoring, or state appropriations provided for the purpose of implementing this program.

Mayor Bowser and OSSE Announce $7 Million Investment in High-Impact Tutoring to Support DC Students

Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) announced a new round of grant and contract awards totaling more than $7 million to fund high-impact tutoring (HIT) programs for over 6,000 students across 90 DC Public Schools and public charter schools during the 2024-25 school year. This strategic investment includes $4.3 million in grants to 16 DC local education agencies (LEAs) and over $3 million in contracts with 11 qualified HIT providers and one strategic supports partner.  



Indiana bet big on tutoring for academic recovery. Will lawmakers save the programs when federal funds expire?

In-school tutoring is most effective, researchers say

When considering which programs to fund, Indiana should consider what research says about high-impact tutoring programs, said Nancy Waymack, director of research partnerships and policy for Stanford University’s National Student Support Accelerator, which provides resources for districts implementing tutoring programs.

High-impact tutoring is delivered one-on-one or in small groups by consistent and well-trained tutors. It happens during the school day up to five days a week, integrated with classroom instruction.

Indiana Learns requires parents to apply for the grant and then schedule and bring their children to lessons. The grant expanded in 2023 to allow tutoring during certain blocks of the school day, such as lunchtime, but it’s not clear how widespread that option is.


Tutoring is getting kids excited about school. Educators want to make it permanent.

“This is most likely to happen if parents both want this and believe that they can get this – and deserve to get this – at school,” says Susanna Loeb, a professor of education at Stanford University in California. 

Amid the flurry of activity in recent years, researchers and policy advocates are increasingly pointing to a specific kind of tutoring as the most effective. Known as “high-impact” or “high-dosage,” it generally refers to tutoring that happens at least three times a week for 30-minute sessions with groups of four or fewer students. And if it occurs during the regular school day? Even better.


D.C. kids in regular tutoring do better in school, attend more, report says

A new Stanford University report examines the first year of D.C.'s multimillion-dollar effort to get students back on track.

D.C. students who got frequent, small group tutoring improved their reading and math scores after the return to inperson classes, attended more classes and had a stronger sense of belonging at school, according to new research into the city's multimillion-dollar tutoring program.

The findings from Stanford University are encouraging, researchers said: Although students have yet to fully recover from the pandemic-induced slump that saw test scores plummet and absenteeism rise, children in D.C. are making progress.


Reimagining Tutoring: Evidence-Backed Strategies to Boost Student Learning, School Culture & Educator Satisfaction

In the admirable rush to support students in the wake of pandemic-era learning loss, schools quickly implemented tutoring initiatives—with varying degrees of success.

Luckily, studies show that students who participate in high-impact tutoring can experience more than 40% and 200% of growth in reading and math proficiency, respectively. Meanwhile, K-12 leaders say this form of tutoring is increasing teacher retention and recruitment in their districts.

In this webinar, education leaders will hear first-hand accounts of successful high-impact tutoring models from a district’s chief academic officer. Also, field research experts from institutions, including Stanford University, and professionals who collaborate directly with district decision-makers will present case studies and stats on how to sustain high-impact tutoring to make a lasting effect on student learning, school culture, and educator job satisfaction.

Schools Are Desperate for Tutors. Can College Students Help?

Funding is the biggest barrier to tutoring in schools, says Alvin Makori, a doctoral student at the University of Southern California’s Rossier School of Education. Makori co-authored a research paper about the challenges to schools offering tutor services at scale. The paper — based on surveys of teachers at charter and public schools in California — also noted concerns about tutor quality and trouble finding the space and time to work tutoring into the school day as problem areas for the schools it inspected. (The study did not look at virtual high-dose tutoring, of the kind provided by some of the organizations discussed here.)


Is Tutoring at Risk? States Stretch to Keep Funding in Place

When Muriel Bowser, the mayor of the District of Columbia, announced in early March that her administration had carved out $4.8 million for “high impact tutoring” in its 2024-25 budget, she was met with thunderous applause.

Bowser had made the announcement to a room packed with administrators, tutoring service providers and policy analysts. But the excitement was tempered somewhat by questions about how far these funds would go: Is this appropriation enough? What about tutoring in the next year?

As the federal stimulus package—ESSER—winds down, states are racing against the clock to find other sustainable funding sources to keep tutoring alive in their schools. So far, states have taken a patchwork approach. Some states are creating policies that would embed tutoring as a service; other states have relied on one-time grants.


D.C. mayor shares $4.8 million proposal to keep tutoring programs

The mayor’s announcement about the funding for high-impact tutoring — a specific kind of academic help that consists of frequent, small-group sessions — came at a citywide summit on the topic. She touted the effort’s success, including a recent Stanford University study that found that students in D.C. were more likely to attend school when they had sessions. “Last school year, we found that students enrolled in high-impact tutoring were likely to reach their math and literacy goals,” Bowser said.
