Use the tool below to reflect on the strengths and areas of opportunities of your program aligned to the Actions and Practices of High-Impact Tutoring. Actions and Practices are the routine implementation processes that programs can improve regardless of their Model Dimensions, like “tutor recruitment and selection” or “session facilitation” (i.e. what the program does).
Actions and Practices
Program Focus | - Articulate an equity-based value proposition grounded in data about unmet student needs
- Make model design choices grounded in the following:
- Your equity-based value proposition
- Feedback from the community and stakeholders
- Evidence-based research on effective tutoring programs
- The constraints of the context in which the program is operating
- Articulate a logic model defining inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes
List your Program’s Strengths and Areas of Opportunities
Measures and Data Collection | - Define measures of success in alignment with your logic model, including non-academic measures of impact
- Develop tools to collect data on the identified measures, including both quantitative and qualitative data
- Set benchmarks to monitor progress towards outcomes
- Put systems in place for collecting data that can be disaggregated by race, gender, IEP statues, home language, and other important factors to ensure equity of services
- Meet requirements and use best practices for data privacy
- If Target is NOT Universal: Combine benchmark data with other measures to identify eligible students for tutoring
Evaluation and Improvement | - Identify who is responsible for reviewing each type of data.
- Create and routinely use protocols for reviewing data and distilling insights to inform decisions
- Review disaggregated data to ensure equity of services
- Set up processes for communicating data (and the insights distilled from it) to relevant stakeholders
- Make informed decisions and take action based on data, resulting in continuous improvements
- Establish standards for effective implementation of the tutoring model and improve standards over time
List your Program’s Strengths and Areas of Opportunities
Recruitment and Selection | - Delineate clear responsibilities for tutors based on your value proposition and model design
- Articulate the knowledge, skills, and mindsets necessary for tutors to be effective and successful in their role
- Distinguish between what you will select for and what you will train for and have clear rationales for your choices
- Establish clear eligibility criteria based on your value proposition and model design
- Design an application process to evaluate eligibility criteria and ensure a diverse set of tutors
- Establish an intentional recruitment strategy for recruiting a diverse set of tutors with the necessary skills
Screening and Expectations | - Outline and implement all legal requirements based on district, state, and institutional regulations before yout program begins
- Outline a clear oversight and management structure for tutors, including who will observe and evaluate tutors
- Clearly delineate and communicate all expectations, policies, and procedures to tutors prior to the start of tutoring
- Articulate a performance evaluation process to ensure tutors meet performance expectations
Training and Support | - Delineate training content based on Model Dimensions and selection criteria for tutors
- Establish a clear structure for pre-service and in-service training, including dimensions like frequency, format, facilitator, etc.
- Ensure in-service training is responsive to performance evaluations, stakeholder feedback, and student performance data
- Collect feedback from tutors on trainings and incorporate insights and lessons from feedback to improve training effectiveness
List your Program’s Strengths and Areas of Opportunities
Session Content | - Sessions have curriculum with high quality materials that maintain rigor
- Session content complements classroom materials to support student mastery
- Sessions focus on targeted learning goals informed by grade level standards and assessment data, as well as student, family and school input
- Sessions have a consistent structure with space for relationship-building, independent practice time, and formative assessment
- If Delivery Mode is Blended: High-quality research-based software is used to accompany session facilitation
- If Delivery Mode is Blended: Adaptive software provides tutors with concise, actionable data that informs future sessions
- If Delivery Mode Blended: Tutors and teachers can select content for student practice sessions
- If Student-Tutor Ratio is Small Groups: Data is used to form purposeful, flexible small groups based on content needs
Session Structure | - Sessions have a consistent structure with space for relationship-building, independent practice time, and formative assessment
Session Facilitation | - Tutors reinforce the academic language and procedures of the classroom and hold students accountable for doing the same
- Tutors appropriately use open-ended questioning to ensure students are articulating their understanding of the content
- Tutors facilitate content clearly, correctly, and at an appropriate pace
- Students engage with content using a variety of learning tools that promote productive struggle given their unique needs
- Students experience multiple representations of new knowledge and repeated opportunities to apply new skills in order to solidify learning
- If Delivery Mode is Virtual: Tutors use a digital whiteboard to support session facilitation and share content with students
- If Delivery Mode is Virtual or Blended: During virtual sessions, student access is restricted to required applications as much as possible in order to reduce distractions
- If Student-Tutor Ratio is Small Groups: Tutors use student groups to promote dialogue and collaboration amongst pairs
- If Student-Tutor Ratio is Small Groups: Tutors effectively facilitate student behavior management as needed
Relationship- Building | - Tutors remain asset-based and motivating in all interactions with students
- Tutors reinforce a growth mindset whenever students make mistakes
- If Tutor Consistency is Consistent: There are intentional and systematic methods for matching tutors with students
- If Tutor Consistency is Consistent: There are methods for tutors to get to know their students
- If Tutor Consistency is Inconsistent: Centralized methods for logging and communicating student data exist
List your Program’s Strengths and Areas of Opportunities
Stakeholder Engagement | - Identify stakeholder groups based on tutoring program design. Common stakeholders groups are students, families, school administration and teachers
- Clearly communicate model, purpose, and evidence to demonstrate alignment with teachers’’ and schools’ needs
- Set joint goals with all relevant school administrators (e.g. Principal, Family Outreach Coordinator, Extracurricular Coordinator, etc.) and provide regular updates on progress
- Make students, families, and schools aware of any terms or conditions for participation and actively seek affirmative agreements
- Establish communication systems between stakeholders and tutors to ensure equitable collaboration and alignment with classroom curricula
- Collect and act on feedback from administrators, teachers, parents, and students to continuously improve effectiveness
- If Take-Up is Voluntary: Program has identified strategies for recruiting students who would benefit from tutoring and has made information on the purpose of the tutoring program and the eligibility criteria for participating publicly available If Setting is In-School: For programs operated by an outside organization, program has a recruitment plan for recruiting schools
- If Setting is In-School: Program schedule ensures that 1) students are not removed from core instruction and 2) program staff can join teacher team meetings
- If Setting is In-School: Program has designated classroom space in the school
List your Program’s Strengths and Areas of Opportunities