This article discusses a study that experimentally evaluated the effects of supplemental instruction in reading for students in kindergarten through Grade 3. Using the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacyeracy Skills (DIBELS) and a measure of oral reading fluency, 256 students in kindergarten through second grade (158 Hispanic, 98 non-Hispanic) were screened. Students were then randomly assigned to receive or not receive supplemental reading instruction focused on phonological awareness and decoding skills. Reading skill was assessed in the fall of the first year of participation and again in the spring of Years 1 and 2 (Times 2 and 3). Children who received the supplemental reading instruction performed significantly better on measures of word attack skills at Time 2 and on measures of word attack, word identification, oral reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension at Time 3. There were no differences in the effectiveness of instruction as a function of Hispanic students' level of English proficiency or as a function of student gender or grade.
The Journal of Special Education, 34(2), 90–103
Year of Study
Program Evaluated
Schools and Homes in Partnership (SHIP)
Tutor Type
Teaching Assistant
2 years
Sample size
Grade Level(s)
Student-Tutor Ratio
Small group
Effect Size
Study Design
Student Randomized
Gunn, B., Biglan, A., Smolkowski, K., & Ary, D. (2000). The Efficacy of Supplemental Instruction in Decoding Skills for Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Students in Early Elementary School. The Journal of Special Education, 34(2), 90–103.