The influence of mathematics vocabulary instruction embedded within addition tutoring for first-grade students with mathematics difficulty

Researchers and practitioners indicate students require explicit instruction on mathematics vocabulary terms, yet no study has examined the effects of an embedded vocabulary component within mathematics tutoring for early elementary students. First-grade students with mathematics difficulty (MD; n = 98) were randomly assigned to addition tutoring with an embedded vocabulary component, addition tutoring without the embedded vocabulary component, or business-as-usual control. At posttest, students who received addition tutoring without vocabulary demonstrated greater gains than control students on addition fluency. On a measure of mathematics vocabulary, students in the active tutoring conditions demonstrated improved performance on mathematics vocabulary over control students. Results indicate that exposure to addition tutoring with or without an embedded vocabulary component positively improves mathematics vocabulary performance.
Powell, S. R., & Driver, M. K.
Learning Disability Quarterly
Year of Study
Program Evaluated
Mathematics tutoring with vocab component
Tutor Type
5 weeks
Sample size
Grade Level(s)
Student-Tutor Ratio
Effect Size
Study Design
Randomized Controlled Trial
Powell, S. R., & Driver, M. K. (2015). The influence of mathematics vocabulary instruction embedded within addition tutoring for first-grade students with mathematics difficulty. Learning Disability Quarterly