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01/29/2024 . Organization

Total Tutoring Services delivers personalized one-on-one tutoring, accessible both in-person and virtually. With over 15 years of experience, we excel in providing exceptional personalized tutoring, test prep and academic coaching for students in grades PreK-12. Our team is composed of highly qualified tutors who work closely with classroom teachers, customizing targeted learning to meet a student's immediate educational needs while aligning with ongoing classroom activities.

01/29/2024 . Organization

Our tutors not only can explain the test well, but will help you with everything from content to strategy to things like test anxiety, test-taking skills, time management, and how to get more out of the studying and homework you do.

01/29/2024 . Organization

nGenius provides 1-on-1 virtual and in-person tutoring led by experienced tutors focused on enriching academic skills for K-12 and college students. Our team takes an individualized approach to identify strengths/weaknesses, learning preferences, and goals for each student in order to develop a personalized learning plan.

The nGenius program offers:

01/29/2024 . Organization

Club Z! offers both in person and virtual tutoring lessons, which can be delivered one-on-one or in small groups. Tutoring lessons are configured around each student's unique learning goals and objectives, and may include reinforcement of classroom materials, test preparation, and outside intervention support materials. Club Z!

01/26/2024 . Organization

Math N' More is an acute mathematics firm, offering educational concierge services, specializing in virtual math tutoring and intervention to ensure grade level mastery. In 2020, Math N' More was founded to support all learners in succeeding in mathematics. Math N’ More has maintained its commitment to moving the needle in math education for students and providing education advocacy support to families.
Math N’ More offers:
● K-12Math Tutoring
● Homework Help

01/26/2024 . Organization

With Common Ground Tutors, students are grouped by skill level into small cohorts of 4 students and receive personal attention during their 45-minute tutoring sessions, three times a week. Students learn best when they develop a long-term relationship with a tutor who knows them well, cares for them, and gives them the personal attention they need. This is key to academic achievement, as well as social-emotional learning. SEL and positive psychology are core guiding principles in all our work, as research shows that SEL is closely linked to improvement in academic performance.

01/26/2024 . Organization

School Connect WA hosts an academic intervention-based afterschool program for K-5th grade students, offering tier 2 & 3 level intervention, for low income students.

01/26/2024 . Organization

For nearly 20 years, Aspire has collaborated with fellow Bay Area education nonprofits and schools to design customized programs that empower historically underserved students to reach greater academic results and achievement levels. Tutoring programs take place during the school day in-class or after-school in partnership with other programs (such as Girls Inc or Boys & Girls Club).

01/24/2024 . General

How often does it happen that a national policy priority, robust research, and the aspirations of classroom teachers converge? On an issue with bipartisan support, no less? Not very often.

But tutoring is an exception. As many as 80 percent of school districts and charter school organizations have launched tutoring programs to help students rebound from the pandemic.

01/18/2024 . Article

High-dosage tutoring, sometimes called “high-impact” or “high-intensity” tutoring, is one of the few school-based interventions with demonstrated significant positive effects on math and reading achievement. Yet high-dosage tutoring is a very specific form of tutoring that must meet specific criteria:

  • One-on-one or small-group sessions with no more than four students per tutor
  • Use of high-quality materials that align with classroom content
  • Three tutoring sessions per week—at minimum—each lasting at least 30 minutes
  • Sessions held during school hours
  • Students meeting with the same tutor each session
  • Professionally trained tutors who receive ongoing support and coaching

01/17/2024 . Article

Small, regular interactions with a reading tutor — about 5 to 7 minutes — are making a big impact on young students’ reading skills, new Stanford University research shows.

First graders in Florida’s Broward County schools who participated in the program, called Chapter One, saw more substantial gains in reading fluency than those who didn’t receive the support, according to the study. They were also 9 percentage points less likely to be considered at risk on a district literacy test.

01/08/2024 . Article

The first randomized controlled trial of a virtual tutoring program for reading was conducted during the 2022-23 school year at a large charter school network in Texas. Kindergarten, first and second graders received 20 minutes of video tutoring four times a week, from September through May, with an early reading tutoring organization called OnYourMark. Despite the logistical challenges of setting up little children on computers with headphones, the tutored children ended the year with higher DIBELS scores, a measure of reading proficiency for young children, than students who didn’t receive the tutoring. One-to-one video tutoring sometimes produced double the reading gains as video tutoring in pairs, demonstrating a difference between online and in-person tutoring, where larger groups of two and three students can be very effective too. That study was published in October 2023. 

01/08/2024 . Research Study

This paper presents the results from a randomized controlled trial of Chapter One, an early elementary reading tutoring program that embeds part-time tutors into the classroom to provide short bursts of 1:1 instruction. Eligible kindergarten students were randomly assigned to receive supplementary tutoring during the 2021-22 school year (N=818). The study occurred in a large Southeastern district serving predominantly Black and Hispanic students. Students assigned to the program were over two times more likely to reach the program’s target reading level by the end of kindergarten (70% vs. 32%). The results were largely homogenous across student populations and extended to district-administered assessments. These findings provide promising evidence of an affordable and sustainable approach for delivering personalized reading tutoring at scale.

01/04/2024 . Article

Susanna Loeb is named to the 2024 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings, recognizing the 200 university-based scholars who had the biggest influence on educational practice and policy last year.

For the full list and to learn more about the rankings, visit The 2024 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings.

12/22/2023 . Article

High-dosage tutoring programs have expanded significantly, with nearly 40 percent of schools now using individual and small-group tutoring with trained teachers or tutors four or five days a week. This approach has been shown to boost student learning, but it can also be expensive. A new study by the National Student Support Accelerator at Stanford University suggests virtual tutoring could be a less-costly option, if it remains as intensive and rigorous as in-person tutoring.

12/18/2023 . Article

"We're pretty clear on the big picture about what makes tutoring work, and it is focused on intensive, relationship-based, individualized instruction," said Kathy Bendheim, managing director of the National Student Support Accelerator. After-school tutoring has spotty attendance records, she said, and on-call, web-based tutoring may not be tailored to the student or used very frequently, either.

12/13/2023 . Article

Thankfully, states and districts aren’t sitting on their hands in the face of learning loss. Supported by billions of dollars of federal funds, many have invested heavily in tutoring programs that promise to help struggling children overcome the challenges imposed by past school closures and virtual instruction. The question is whether those efforts work for enough students to justify their cost — and according to data generated by the National Student Support Accelerator, a Stanford initiative devoted to studying the effects of tutoring, there is reason for hope.

12/07/2023 . Article

Transformative change in education often begins with a powerful story. Increasingly, high-impact tutoring is that story, where students find both significant academic success and personal confidence in their abilities. Rhyne Richards—a 6th-grade student in Washington, DC.—met several times each week with a tutor, Ms. Burns, to overcome math challenges. Rhyne’s journey speaks volumes. “I get distracted a lot [in class],” Rhyne admitted. “But when I’m with Ms. Burns, I learn a lot; a lot more than I knew last year.” It’s a testament to the remarkable impact of intensive, one-on-one tutoring. “I’m proud of myself,” Rhyne continued. “Before, I didn’t really know math like I do now. But now I can do it myself. I want to be the smartest person in the world.” Rhyne’s regained confidence in math and optimism for the future epitomize the profound evidence for and influence of intensive, relationship-based, individualized instruction—it is a narrative we must tirelessly work to replicate and scale.

12/06/2023 . Article

Those results are not unique to Oakland. Another recent study on a virtual early literacy tutoring model called OnYourMark found minimal impact in second grade. The lack of growth could be due to a mismatch between tutoring and testing, said Susanna Loeb, a Stanford University professor who leads a nationwide tutoring research center and conducted the OnYourMark research.

12/05/2023 . General

This research report presents the results from the second year of a randomized controlled trial of an early elementary reading tutoring program that has been designed to be affordable at scale. During the 2021-22 school year, over eight hundred kindergarten students in a large Southeastern school district were randomly assigned to receive supplementary tutoring with the Chapter One program. The program continued during the 2022-23 school year, while the children attended first grade. The program embeds part-time tutors into the classroom to provide short bursts of instruction to individual students each week over the course of the school year. The consistent presence of the tutors allows them to build strong relationships with students and meet students’ individual needs at the moment they might most benefit from personalized instruction. The program focuses more time on students with the lowest literacy skills.

12/05/2023 . Article

Stanford’s National Student Support Accelerator suggests various tutor trainings along with online pre-service trainings such as Saga Coach. The training level of tutors also impacts tutor payment with some models proposing payments of $20 per hour for non-professionals and payments of up to $50 per hour for teachers and professional tutors.

11/29/2023 . Article

What makes tutoring high-impact? According to the National Student Support Accelerator, it involves substantial time each week, sustained and strong relationships between students and tutors, close monitoring of student knowledge and skills alignment to school curriculum, and oversight to ensure quality interactions. 

11/28/2023 . Legislation

Appropriates $27 million in state funds and $97 million in federal funds for for matching grants to districts for high quality tutoring and rigorous extended learning programs.

11/23/2023 . Article

“A lot of districts really want to provide additional support for their students. They want to do it in an equitable way and they want to do it in a sustainable way. One of the things that we’ve seen is that starting big and not being able to do [tutoring implementation] smoothly sometimes backfires,” said Nancy Waymack, director of research partnerships and policy for the National Student Support Accelerator at Stanford University, which studies K-12 tutoring trends. “Starting by focusing on a smaller group of students, and really making sure that they have the full support of a consistent tutor, on a very frequent basis, in a data-driven way that’s really aligned with the curriculum is a way that’s going to work really well.”

11/20/2023 . Organization

Since 1998, Fit Learning has been researching and developing a unique system of instruction that is based on a combination of behavior and neuroscience. Direct service providers are called learning coaches who must go through intensive training and reach rigorous performance standards to become certified in the model. Students are first assessed using a combination of Fit Learning's skill-based assessment and conventional norm-referenced assessments.

11/20/2023 . Organization

We specialize in one-on-one tutoring relationships that seek to understand the individual learning needs of each student and to produce a learning environment that allows each student to thrive.

11/20/2023 . Organization

Reading Assist is a nonprofit organization that provides year-round high-dosage tutoring services to children across Delaware and Pennsylvania with the most significant reading challenges, prioritizing support to low-income students, students of color, and English Language Learners. Since its inception, Reading Assist has helped thousands of readers acquire critical reading skills, changing the trajectory of these learners' lives.

11/16/2023 . Article

In a significant study involving 1,000 K-2 students in Texas, OnYourMark Education, in partnership with The National Student Support Accelerator (NSSA) and Uplift Education, presents compelling evidence of the positive impact of virtual high-impact reading tutoring on early literacy. During the 2022-2023 school year, students engaged in one-on-one virtual reading tutoring sessions, resulting in substantial academic gains.