Research Studies
Research Studies
Effects of a year long supplemental reading intervention for students with reading difficulties in fourth grade .
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Wanzek, J., Petscher, Y., Otaiba, S. A., Rivas, B. K., Jones, F. G., Kent, S. C., Schatschneider, C., & Mehta, P. .
Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(8), 1103–1119 .
Testing the efficacy of a kindergarten mathematics intervention by small group size .
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Clarke, B., Doabler, C. T., Kosty, D., Kurtz Nelson, E., Smolkowski, K., Fien, H., & Turtura, J. .
AERA Open, 3(2), 2332858417706899 .
Affordable Online Maths Tuition .
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Torgerson, C., Ainsworth, H., Buckley, H., Hampden-Thompson, G., Hewitt, C., Humphry, D., Jefferson, L., Mitchell, N., & Torgerson, D. .
London: Education Endowment Foundation .
Fraction intervention for students with mathematics difficulties: Lessons learned from five randomized controlled trials .
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Fuchs, L. S., Malone, A. S., Schumacher, R. F., Namkung, J., & Wang, A. .
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50(6), 631–639 .
Effects of intervention to improve at-risk fourth graders' understanding, calculations, and word problems with fractions .
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Fuchs, L. S., Schumacher, R. F., Long, J., Jessica, N., Malone, A. S., Amber, W., & ... Changas, P. .
Elementary School Journal, 116(4), 625–651 .
Testing the efficacy of a tier 2 mathematics intervention: A conceptual replication study .
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Doabler, C. T., Clarke, B., Kosty, D. B., Kurtz-Nelson, E., Fien, H., Smolkowski, K., & Baker, S. K. .
Exceptional Children, 83(1), 92–110 .
Effects of tutorial interventions in mathematics and attention for low-performing preschool children .
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Barnes, M. A., Klein, A., Swank, P., Starkey, P., McCandliss, B., Flynn, K., ... & Roberts, G. .
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness .
Examining the efficacy of a tier 2 kindergarten mathematics intervention .
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Clarke, B., Doabler, C. T., Smolkowski, K., Baker, S. K., Fien, H., & Strand Cary, M. .
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(2), 152–165 .
Paired Reading: Evaluation report and executive summary .
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Lloyd, C., Edovald, T., Kiss, Z., Morris, S., Skipp, A., & Ahmed, H. (2015) .
London: Education Endowment Foundation .
Durham shared maths project .
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Lloyd, C., Edovald, T., Morris, S., Kiss, Z., Skipp, A., & Haywood, S. .
London: Education Endowment Foundation .
Intervention for first graders with limited number knowledge: Large-scale replication of a randomized controlled trial .
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Gersten, R., Rolfhus, E., Clarke, B., Decker, L. E., Wilkins, C., & Dimino, J. (2015) .
American Educational Research Journal, 52(3), 516–546 .
TextNow Transition Programme: Evaluation report and executive summary .
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Maxwell, B., Connolly, P., Demack, S., O’Hare, L., Stevens, A., & Clague, L. (2014) .
London: Education Endowment Foundation .…
Preliminary evaluation of a tier 2 mathematics intervention for first-grade students: Using a theory of change to guide formative evaluation activities .
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Clarke, B., Doabler, C. T., Strand Cary, M., Kosty, D., Baker, S., Fien, H., & Smolkowski, K. .
School Psychology Review, 43(2) .