ArticleA new policy brief examines the research evidence behind tutoring and what design principles for tutoring have shown to be important for boosting student achievement. The report is titled Accelerating Student Learning with High-Dosage Tutoring. It’s coauthored by Dr. Carly Robinson, Dr. Matthew Kraft and Dr. Susanna Loeb of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, as well as Dr. Beth Schueler of the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia.
OrganizationFor 21 years and 20 million tutoring sessions, Tutor.com has been partnering with K–12 schools, higher education institutions, libraries, organizations, associations, and the U.S. military to provide learners from elementary school through college, graduate school, and beyond with highly effective, 1-to-1 academic and professional support. Tutor.com is easy to use (no apps to download) and robust enough to provide sophisticated functionality. Through our partner institutions, tens of millions of learners can readily access:
OrganizationHigher Achievement offers small-group academic mentoring in math and humanities/ELA for middle grade students. It has been the subject of two randomized controlled trial studies by MDRC, both of which demonstrated positive academic effects.
ArticleThe Education Lab conducted a study that demonstrates individualized, intensive (or “high-dosage”) tutoring can double or triple the amount of math high school students learn each year, increase student grades, and reduce math and non-math course failures. The findings, which are the result of an intervention developed by the non-profit organization Saga Education, come as school districts across America grapple with the pandemic’s academic fallout, including significant learning loss among students and the acceleration of pre-existing educational disparities.
Article“The pandemic closed a lot of schools and in the process created even greater inequalities in the access students have to good educational opportunities,” said Susanna Loeb, a professor of education at Brown who directs the Annenberg Institute. “Many students weren’t able to connect, both metaphorically — as in, they found virtual learning very difficult — and literally — as in, they didn’t have internet access or the right technology. We came in thinking: ‘What is out there that could really accelerate the learning of students in need so that they don’t lose months or years of progress?’”
OrganizationYup is a math teacher multiplier. We provide secure access to expert math tutors 24/7, powering High-Dosage Tutoring in and out of the classroom. Our "Math Learning Support System" gives teachers extra capacity, actionable data, and is like having a teaching assistant in every classroom.
OrganizationInstructional software that guides students from “Learning to Read” to “Reading to Learn” in a single platform while supporting teachers, students, and parents.
OrganizationWilson Foundations makes learning to read fun while laying the groundwork for life-long literacy. Students in grades K-3 receive a systematic program in critical foundational skills, Fundations serves as a prevention program to help reduce reading and spelling failure. It is integral to a Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) or Response to Intervention (RTI) framework, providing research-based instruction in Tier 1 as well as early intervention (Tier 2) for students at risk for reading difficulties.
OrganizationSteps to Success is a Supplemental Service Provider for the Colorado Department of Education, offering one-on-one reading tutoring using multisensory, synchronous online instruction from a tutor and blended instruction with Lexia Reading Core 5.
OrganizationSuccessMaker is a learning program that functions much like a personal tutor for students. It has a reading and a math component. Your school could be using reading or math or both.
OrganizationOnline software that serves as tutor list/marketplace/lesson space for tutors, connects specifically with college students.
OrganizationS.P.I.R.E. is a research-proven reading intervention program for your lowest performing students. Its teacher-led 10-Step Lesson plan methodically walks them through phonemic awareness and phonics, then spelling, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency — instilling and reinforcing every stage of reading development.
OrganizationVisual math program that builds a deep conceptual understanding of math through rigorous learning and creative problem solving.
OrganizationSTEP (Supporting Tutors Engaging Pupils) is a structured tutoring program designed to help build reading and language skills in K-3 students who are below grade level. The goal of STEP is to provide skill-based instruction to improve literacy outcomes by helping students acquire the skills necessary for literacy success.
OrganizationThis innovative literacy program for students in grades 1–3 is committed to helping all children develop accuracy and fluency in decoding.
OrganizationSmall group tutoring program for 1st graders in math, targeted at students at risk of falling behind.
OrganizationProject MORE, Mentoring in Ohio for Reading Excellence, is a evidence based reading volunteer reading mentoring project for students with disabilities, that has demonstrated statistically significant reading results since 1999.
OrganizationOur flagship software integrates phonics, reading, writing & keyboarding in a 40-lesson adventure linking each speech sound to a letter & finger stroke on the keyboard, as users pronounce, segment, type & spell hundreds of words!
OrganizationEvidence-based program that recruits, trains, and supports community volunteers to provide individualized reading instruction to K-4 students
OrganizationShort-term intervention for first graders in reading and writing. Specially trained teachers tutor 1:1 in daily 30-minute lessons lasting 12-20 weeks.
OrganizationMath Champs provides equitable access to quality math instruction, nationwide. Our program offers live, individualized and interactive lessons that are designed and taught by certified teachers. With evidence-based, data-focused and assessment-driven instruction, students develop their skillset and build confidence in their math identity
OrganizationHighly trained tutors work with pairs of students in grades 4-8, using evidence-based math interventions created by experts.
OrganizationLiteracy First members tutor kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students through daily one-on-one sessions designed to strengthen their early reading and comprehension skills. Fifty percent of Literacy First’s tutors are bilingual, allowing the program to provide support to both Spanish and English speakers.
OrganizationIn partnership with the School District of Palm Beach County, volunteers are recruited and trained to provide tutoring in reading comprehension in selected 1st and 2nd grade classrooms within the School District. The goal is to have each student 50% closer to grade level at the end of the year than when they began the year. The 30 minute sessions have been designed by School District staff to supplement reading taught in the classroom.
OrganizationHill Learning Center provides students and educators with the instruction, tools, and support they need to succeed in school, and in life. We serve students directly, and share the evidence based practices implemented in our school with educators everywhere via the Hill Learning System and educator professional development. Our signature program is HillRAP (Reading Achievement Program.) Hill Tutoring serves families with both individual tutoring and small-group classes that are built upon research, individualized instruction, and successful teaching techniques.
OrganizationHuntington Learning provides individualized tutoring from certified teachers to build and enhance the skills needed for school success and help children get the best grades possible on quizzes, tests, and report cards.
OrganizationWeb-based math program used in K-8 classrooms. Experimenting with incorporating live-teacher intervention.
OrganizationImmokalee Readers is an after-school early intervention literacy tutoring program designed to help the lowest-performing young readers by supplementing their regular classroom instruction.
OrganizationiRead uses adaptive technology that adjusts instruction to meet children where they are and provides explicit instruction and guided practice to build mastery.
OrganizationOffering free virtual tutoring sessions for K-12 students for all subjects.