The AERO program consists of online assessments and progress monitoring tools and over 200 lessons across three levels. The AERO program uses online assessments to create and implement individualized instructional plans that are delivered in small groups of students (two to three students at a time). The AERO program includes curriculum-based measures that help AERO Instructors know which skills to focus on during the sessions and monitor students' mastery of taught concepts to make instructional adjustments.
High-Impact Tutoring Database
This database lists organizations that offer tutoring, technology platforms, or academic interventions. It is intended for: Districts, States or nonprofits to identify potential tutoring partners, potential tutors to identify potential employers, and tutoring organizations to have a clearer understanding of the landscape and identify interventions that might be useful to their programs.
This is not an exhaustive list, and an organization’s inclusion does not indicate that the National Student Support Accelerator or Stanford University endorse the organization. All information is submitted voluntarily by the organizations themselves. We welcome additional organizations to join the database by completing this form.
Several organizations listed have earned the NSSA Tutoring Program Design Badge, which can be found using the filters on the left side and then visible on the organization’s database profile. An organization earns the NSSA Tutoring Program Design Badge when they submit sufficient evidence that their program design aligns with research-backed Tutoring Quality Standards.
Note: The Tutoring Program Design Badge does not assess fidelity of implementation of the program design.
Please note that some of these programs are also listed on where you can find additional information on relevant research studies and costs.
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The Dan L Duncan Reading Initiative provides school-based early intervention to students who are at-risk for or who are experiencing reading failure as well as enrichment programs for students with grade level academic skills.
Cignition delivers high-impact K-12 tutoring, led by experienced educators who produce proven, repeatable results in student success. Our research-based approach focuses on data-informed instruction and collaborative learning, encouraging student-to-student interaction to build deep conceptual understanding.
City Year's AmeriCorps members serving as Student Success Coaches (SSCs) are diverse young adults who serve full-time on teams in systemically under-resourced K-12 schools. They implement City Year's core Whole School Whole Child program, forming near-peer, developmental relationships and providing research-based, integrated social, emotional and academic supports for students, combined with whole classroom and school supports to enable rich learning environments. City Year's SSCs partner with teachers to provide supplemental capacity and personalize the learning environment.
ClassUp provides premium online, 1:1 tutoring to students at all levels of learning and every demographic. Every student deserves the very best tutoring from the very best teaching professionals. Our tutors are US-based teaching professionals with degrees from top universities and a minimum of five years of teaching experience.
Each student receives a personalized learning plan customized by their ClassUp teacher meeting each student's individual learning goals, style, pace, interests and local school curriculum and standards.
Club Z! offers both in person and virtual tutoring lessons, which can be delivered one-on-one or in small groups. Tutoring lessons are configured around each student's unique learning goals and objectives, and may include reinforcement of classroom materials, test preparation, and outside intervention support materials. Club Z!
We provide tutoring services for In home and Online tutoring services.
With Common Ground Tutors, students are grouped by skill level into small cohorts of 4 students and receive personal attention during their 45-minute tutoring sessions, three times a week. Students learn best when they develop a long-term relationship with a tutor who knows them well, cares for them, and gives them the personal attention they need. This is key to academic achievement, as well as social-emotional learning. SEL and positive psychology are core guiding principles in all our work, as research shows that SEL is closely linked to improvement in academic performance.
Connect Me provides free online tutoring and mentoring services to students who fit at least one of these criteria:
1) They are in a low income family (less than $60,000 yearly household income)
2) At least one parent/guardian of the student is an essential worker (as defined by the NCSL)
3) The student is in virtual/hybrid school due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Students meet with their tutor at least once per week on a secured and monitored Zoom link, and have access to additional resources such as office hours.
Connect Tutors is a remote tutoring program providing high school students with free and high-quality college application essay support. We pair predominantly low-income students with our team of tutors, and equip them to build meaningful mentorship relationships that develop the writing skills and confidence of high school students. We believe a student's financial circumstances should play no role in their ability to access college writing support and tell their stories effectively.
ConneXions Tutoring started in March 2020 to alleviate the stresses of COVID-19. We have supported over 400 students and provided 2600+ hours of service.
CovEducation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that works to connect mentors from higher education institutions with K-12 students affected by school closures. Our mentors not only serve as academic tutors but also as role models who foster non-academic interests and career exploration. We also compile free, web-based educational resources for students, families, and educators, as well as partner with schools and other non-profits to improve the learning experience of K-12 students.
Curvebreakers' program plan is designed to provide school solutions through courses, materials, and professional development for SAT/ACT exams and other standardized tests in an innovative, effective, and engaging style. Our mission is to even the playing field in the college admissions process by offering programs that focus exclusively on the subjects covered on college entrance exams and effective strategies for approaching each question type.
Don Bosco Academy tutoring center provides comprehensive, in-person tutoring services across all subjects and at all levels, from kindergarten through high school. Our programs are customized to meet each student's academic and personal needs, which makes our tutoring services ideal for almost every student.
Students receive small group, targeted instruction in areas identified as weaknesses, or in need of extra practice.
EPASA school-year tutor-mentors commit to up to four hours of tutoring and mentoring per week, in addition to quarterly trainings and reflections. Tutor-mentors are highly encouraged to commit to EPASA for the full school year in order to develop quality relationships with their tutees.
EdEquityTH was built on the premise of free tutoring and lessons for underprivileged children. There are many people and children around the world who do not have access to quality education so we seek to do our part to help those who do not have access to quality education. Services are completely free and are entirely supported through volunteers, patrons and donations.
Edficiency is an online platform that allows teachers to create "sessions" for flex time and/or before/after-school tutoring on whatever topic they'd like, limiting it to whatever groups are appropriate. Teachers can request groups of students for specific interventions or request individual students over any time period. Students can then request to see teachers for specific sessions based on their needs. Admin are able to oversee this process and also request any student see any teacher at any time.
EdLight is a platform to organize student work. Using EdLight's tutoring features, teachers can assign students to tutoring, specifying the standards / content for tutoring, and sharing any classwork / data that will allow the tutor to target their support. Tutors then share student work from each session back with teachers, allowing teachers to ensure that the tutoring is aligned to classwork and high quality. This intimate communication between teachers and tutors builds trust and allows teachers to confidently focus on grade level work during core instruction time.